
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Baby on board!

I'm currently sitting on a bus on the way to grad school, and I felt the need to randomly update before I'm bogged down with work. This is my first post from my phone, so let's see how this goes. I can't add my tags yet, I'll add them later.

I think I've posted a lot this month...October is turning out to be crazy as hell, in both good and bad ways. Here's some good for ya:

So a few posts ago I threw out into the universe that the powers-at-be in Veraland might be wrapping up the baby line. I figured since they were retiring Lola and Lilli Bell, which are two out of the three prints on the line. WELLLLLL I like to be wrong in this case!

As always my Vera-godmother Veraobsessed dropped one on me and I am loving this:

Do you see?! Not only are there baby clothes in Clementine and it looks like Flutterby, but I SEE BABY BOY CLOTHES! 

My feels! I can't contain them!
 photo feels_zps16def63e.gif

Yes, from what it looks like, they are launching a line for boys! I'm thinking that it's in Venetian Paisley, I'm making out the blue and white chevron from the interior print it comes in. But VeraObsessed thinks it's Blue Bayou since the other colors are Spring 2014 colors as well, which makes sense. Score for them, because there are some citizens of Veraland that have baby boys, it's time for all babies to be dressed in Vera equally!

Also a cute surprise: the bottom rack has some SWIMSUITS on there!!! OMG I can't! Can you imagine cute little legs running on the beach with a Vera swimmie on?! I die! This is making me want one of my friends to hurry up and have a baby already (because I'm not lol)!!

So there is some hope for the new items replacing the retired stuff. They've gotten a couple brownie points since the retirement bomb dropped on us, here's to hoping that there is more good stuff up their sleeves!

Sidebar: *waves* to my visitors from Facebook! Thanks to VeraObsessed for sending you guys my way! 

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